

Maier, E. & Dost, F. (2024): Decomposing cross-channel advertising support of retailer price promotions, Journal of Retailing 100(3), 362-381 ( Link.

Maier, E. & Mafael, A. (2024): Adbusting: How Advertising Altered by Activists Affects Brands, Psychology & Marketing 41(4), 938-957 ( Link.

König, S. & Maier, E. (2024): The effect of green influencer message characteristics: Framing, construal, and timing, Psychology & Marketing, forthcoming ( Link.

König, S. & Maier, E. (2024): Preaching to the choir: Do green influencers make a difference?, Journal of Cleaner Production, 447, 141449 ( Link.

Maier, E., Bornschein, R., Manß, R. & Hesse, D. (2023): Financial Consequences of Adding Bricks to Clicks, International Journal of Research in Marketing 40(3), 609-628. Link.

Schmidt, L. & Maier, E. (2022): Interactive Ad Avoidance on Mobile Phones, Journal of Advertising. Link.

Maier, E. & Wieringa, J. (2021): Acquiring Customers through Online Marketplaces? The Effect of Marketplace Sales on Sales in a Retailer’s Own Channels, International Journal of Research in Marketing 38(2), 311-328. Link.

Schmidt, L. & Maier, E. (2020): Assessing Ad Attention through Clustering Viewport Trajectories,  Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020. Link.

Boden, J., Maier, E., Dost, F. (2020): The Effect of Electronic Shelf Labels on Store Revenue, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 24(4), 527-550. Link.

Bornschein, R., Schmidt, L., Maier, E. (2020): The Effect of Consumers’ Perceived Power and Risk in Digital Information Privacy – The Example of Cookie Notices, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. Link.

Schmidt, L., Bornschein, R., Maier, E. (2020): The Effect of Privacy Choice in Cookie Notices on Consumers’ Perceived Fairness of Frequent Price Changes, Psychology & Marketing. Link.

Weber, A., Maier, E. (2020): Reducing competitive research shopping with cross-channel delivery, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 24, 78-106. Link. Zusammenfassung.

Boden, J., Maier, E., Wilken, R. (2020): The effect of credit card versus mobile payment on convenience and consumers’ willingness to pay, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 52. Link.

Schmidt, L., Dost, F., Maier, E. (2019): Filtering Survey Responses from Crowdsourcing Platforms: Current Heuristics and Alternative Approaches, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Link.

Maier, E. (2019): Serial Product Evaluations Online: A Three-Factor Model of Leadership, Fluency and Tedium during Product Search, International Journal of Research in Marketing 36(4), 558-579. Link. Zusammenfassung.

Schmidt, L., Maier, E. (2019): The Interaction Effect of Mobile Phone Screen and Product Orientation on Perceived Product Size, Psychology & Marketing. 36(9), 817-830. Link.

Maier, E. (2019): The negative effect of product image inconsistency on product overviews during the online product search, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 23(1), 110-143. Link. Zusammenfassung.

Maier, E., Dost, F. (2018): Fluent contextual image backgrounds enhance mental imagery and evaluations of experience products. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 45, 207-220. Link.

Maier, E., Dost, F. (2018): The positive effect of contextual image backgrounds on fluency and liking. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40, 109-116. Link.

Dost, F., Maier, F. (2017): E-Commerce Effects on Energy Consumption. A Multi-Year Ecosystem-Level Assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(4), 799-812. Link. Zusammenfassung.

Maier, E., Wilken, R. (2017): Broad and Narrow Country-of-Origin Effects and Domestic Country Bias. Journal of Global Marketing 30(4), 256-274. Link.

Maier, E. (2016): Supply and demand on crowdlending platforms: connecting small and medium-sized enterprise borrowers and consumer investors. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 33, 143-153. Link.

Maier, E., Wilken, R., Dost, F. (2015): The double benefits of consumer certainty: combining risk and range effects. Marketing Letters 26(49), 473-488. Link.

Maier, E., Wilken, R. (2014): The impact of stress and level of construal on willingness to pay. Psychology & Marketing 31(9), 774–785. Link.

Maier, E., Wilken, R., Schneider, H., Kelemci Schneider, G. (2012): In the mood to buy? Under- standing the interplay of mood regulation and congruence in an international context. Marketing Letters 23(4), 1005–1018. Link.


Maier, E. (2023): Wider ein Gegeneinander der Verkaufskanäle. WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 52(6). 

Lehmann, C., Große, C., Maier, E. (2020): Zukunftsland Sachsen – Digitalisierung im sächsischen Mittelstand.

Maier, E.: Datenintegration vor Datenanalyse (2020). Handelsjournal 22(4), Ausgabe für Mitteldeutschland: 8-9.

Maiere, E., Schmidt, L. (2020): Kartenbasierte Standortauswahl im Einzelhandel. HHL Studie. Link.

Maier, E. (Herausgeber, 2020): Auswirkung der Corona-Krise auf den Leipziger Handel. Eine gemeinsame Studie von: Handelsverband Sachsen, City Leipzig Marketing e.V., Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Leipzig und der Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL). Link.

Maier, E. (2018): Zwischen Kundenfrequenz und Konversion: Webseiten-Optimierung im E-Commerce. WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 47(7-8), 10-16. Link.

Maier, E. (2016): Mittelstandskredite in Zeiten des digitalen Wandels: Crowdlending in Deutschland Ergebnisse einer Kreditnehmerumfrage auf dem Kreditmarktplatz von Funding Circle Deutschland. Link.

Maier, E., Kirchgeorg, M. (2016): Wie reagiert der Offline- auf den Online-Handel? Die Verbreitung von Reaktionsstrategien im stationären Handel. Link.